Dudes, here I will publish all the authority websites that have information that I will not touch upon in my website however are important to each and every one of you.
Medline Plus
– http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/penisdisorders.html
This is governmental website that serves as some sort of online medical encyclopedia. Therefore, you will be able to find there medical stuff about several quite unpleasant sex health conditions. From these I would like to put into your attention curvature of penis, erectile dysfunction, balanitis and many more nasty stuff. It is worth your time as only the healthy penis can be useful for becoming a master!
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
– http://www.cdc.gov/HealthyYouth/sexualbehaviors/
Similarly as in the first case, this is the government website focusing on health in general, however it has subsection on Sexual Risk Behavior. There you will be able to learn much more about sexually transmitted diseases and how to properly identify them and prevent.
– http://www.healthfinder.gov/HealthTopics/Population/men/sexual-health
This is website focusing mostly on the general information about health. It includes section for men with focus on the sexual health. However, it has only very limited topics there. Therefore, paying visit to this website is worth of your time only if you want to learn more about proper birth control as well as about most common STDs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis & HIV.
Student Wellness Center at Ohio State University
– http://swc.osu.edu/sex-relationships/
As you can see on the title this is university website that is providing important info for its students as well as any other visitor of their site. It has well written section called Sex & Relationships that is dealing with stuff that students often require: STD prevention, identification and treatment as well as contraceptives.
Go Ask Alice by Columbia University in the City of New York
– http://goaskalice.columbia.edu/sexual-and-reproductive-health
Dudes, you are gonna love this. Although it is another university educational website, the section called Go Ask Alice is full of awesome questions from ordinary people on which Alice provides answers. Some are really stupid, some are very informative, however most of them will make you laugh until you cry. That is what I call the funny learning method :).
Men´s Health
– http://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/sexual-techniques-guaranteed-orgasm
This is a portal that I really like. However, the information you will get there are so wast that you will have problems to identify what is useful and working and what is just a marketing bogus. This article I share has some nice tips, how to make your girl more turned on during sex but I would not call then tips for giving her orgasms. Although she will definitely be closer, I would not say that it is enough to make her cum from penetration.
– http://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/tips-moves/fifteen-minute-orgasm-four-hour-body-book
Dudes, you know as they say: “Do not judge a book by its cover!”. Do not do that mistake even when it comes to educating men in sex. I know, Cosmopolitan is magazine by women for women. However, you would be surprised how much you can learn about what women wants in bed from it. Give it a try it is really worth overcoming your prejudices!
Women´s Health
– http://www.womenshealthmag.com/sex-and-relationships/anatomy-of-an-orgasm
This page includes information about women climaxes. More precisely it deals with ALL that stuff you ever wanted to know: anatomy, work of brain, what impedes women to achieve orgasms (not each & every time it is a man´s fault), how to increase chances of getting orgasm etc.
Marie Claire
– http://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/advice/best-sex-positions
This is article that summarizes only basic information about positions that should bring your partner much closer to orgasms. However, it is still only most basic info so it is worth looking at for beginners. If you are educated at least to some level in sex positions then you do not need to read this article.
For the time being, it is all from me. I hope these will add you some more info for your journey of becoming the sex master and stallion in bed on topics I will not touch into great detail in my blog.