The Stallion Style was registered in the summer of 2013. Actually, the idea to create this type of website was suggested to me by a close friend called James earlier that year. We wanted to create an online portal that will provide information for men to improve their sex life.
Because at that time there was a lot of info on this topic, but almost none was for free, we have sworn that The Stallion Style will never charge anything for information we share with you.
So, we have begun with the male enhancement and penis enlargement niche.
We have covered a wide range of topics, such as exercises, techniques, foods, pumps, extenders, and pills to improve your erection size and quality.
Then, we have expanded into the sex tips niche.
We have covered a lot of tips for best positions, techniques to achieve different types of orgasms, various orthodox and unorthodox sex practices and many more. Obviously, young guys complained that in order to apply these tips and tricks, they first need to get the opportunity.
That is why we have slowly dived into the attraction building and dating niche.
We have covered a lot of topics, such as pick up lines, questions to ask on a date, various tips and tricks to build attraction, different hook-up apps, best ways to dress well and many more.
Right now, we need to focus more on deepening the information in topics we have already covered, and in the future, we would love to expand into self-improvement in non-sex related aspects of male personality.